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Writer's pictureMarilyn Chappell

2020....Make Room

Hello 2020! I don't know about you, but I am expecting a fruitful, productive, and exciting #NewYear as well as #NewDecade. Many will make #newyearresolutions and add more ideas, plans, and goals to their plates. Others will #makeroom for the ideas, plans, and goals they set last year that have not come into fruition yet, and continue to walk by #faith, work their faith, and expect the great in 2020. Are you adding more to your plate this year, or are you making room for the #vision God has shown you (maybe last year, or years ago)?

In a fast paced society where #socialmedia is becoming our #focus, our vision and #priorities are shifting away from what God has personally shown us. People are becoming more anxious, competitive, busy, and distracted trying to keep up with what society is saying is right, wrong, and enough personally and professionally. Do you find yourself trying to keep up with society? What adjustments will you make this year?

Five things you can do to Make Room in 2020:

1. Declutter- We think about stuff when we talk about decluttering, but it can inspire you to dig deep and bring to the forefront some stinking thinking and bad habits in every area of our lives. Taking the time to uproot and remove will require honesty, commitment, sacrifice and discipline. The most important step to change is acknowledging where you are in your life now. Then identify why you want to change.

2. Meditate- Carving out time for solitude, reading the word of God for yourself, and prayer is a gamechanger. This time keeps you grounded, focused, and brings clarity to your vision so your steps are ordered throughout your day.

3. Be Present- Embrace and Enjoy every moment by giving whoever you come in contact with your full attention with love, eye contact; your presence.

4. Be Intentional- Do things from your heart. Do what you say you are going to do. Fear less, and faith forward outside of your comfort zone.

5. Remain Faithful- Great things are produced with consistency, rewarded through obedience, and developed in the midst of adversity. Every day despite any challenge, press toward the mark, and remember the vision God has shown you. Believe you will see it come to pass.

Make room for greater in 2020. God has a plan for you..... and It's Going To Be BIG ! Trust Him.

~Believe Daily~

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