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Meet the Team: Savanna Love

Exceeds Expectations, Inc. has a new addition! We are happy to welcome Savanna Love as one of our new Marketing Interns. Savanna brings a lot of skills and knowledge, and we can't wait for you all to meet her.

To celebrate Savanna, we decided to ask her some of our "Meet the Team" questions!

🪄 Savanna, tell us about yourself!

My name is Savanna, I am a rising sophomore. I love reading and writing, and I hope to publish a book by my senior year. I am especially interested in psychology and plan to do further research in college.

🎉 What made you join the EEI team?

I’ve been involved in EEIs Girl’s Financial Leadership Program and was made aware of this opportunity. Once I found out that marketing was involved, I didn’t hesitate to sign up. I’ve always been interested in the presentations of companies, and I was excited to be a part of what goes on in our community.

🌳How would you describe your role as an intern at EEI?

Have you seen our logo? I see myself as the branch of the community, apart from the seedling that grows and reaches into our community to spread knowledge.

What projects or tasks will you be involved with?

We will be starting EEI on a new social media platform where we will put our marketing skills into action. I will also be involved in helping and teaching the F.I.L.M. Summer Camp.

How does your internship align with your career goals or aspirations?

One of my goals is to be educated in every aspect of my life. EEI tackles the area of financial education and provides essential knowledge for any career choice.

💵 Do you have any money tips for readers?

When you get paid use the 60/30/10 method. Save 30%, give 10%, and the rest is yours to spend wisely.

🌞 How has this internship influenced your perspective on the nonprofit sector so far?

I have begun to see that some people really love what they do, and their organization's motto is in alignment with their core values. Because of EEI, I’ve developed a positive outlook on nonprofits.

🌱 What advice would you give to future EEI interns?

I would love to see you stay true to what you think should happen. Listen to what others have to say, observe your peers, then add your personal input so everyone gets to see who you are through your ideas.

🙌 Is there anything else you would like to share?

I am nothing but thankful for this opportunity. I am thankful to work with an organization whose values align with mine. I am also thankful for the minds of my coworkers. I would not be able to work well if it was not for their perspective and input. Thank you for embracing and showering me with amazing experiences so far. I cannot wait to see what we all do next.

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